Galatians 3:27-29 Baptism of the Absurd
Consider binding the baptismal hymn of Galatians 3:27-29 to your foreheads and forearms during every formal prayer. Post it above your...
Celebrating the Ethiopian Eunuch: Black Trans Lives Matter
Kyla Sisson live in community in Minneapolis, and is currently spending time at Sandhill CSA. She delivered the following message to the...
Who would Satan vote for
If we personify liberal democracy, how might we do so? We usually have little trouble personifying tyranny, such as Hitler being...
Democracy and the church, it should be an uneasier relationship than it is...
The fact that so many churches exhibit national flags, not only out in front of the church building, but inside the altar or on the dais,...
The problem with Sodomites
Perhaps I can try to set the record strait on Sodom and Gomorrah, at least for those who have ears to hear. First, one other record need...
I'd like a helping of salvation, and some of that red stuff too, please...
There is an unsettling notion about recent American democracy that seems to have permeated the church. I believe the living embodiment of...